Zayix's Threshold

My random thoughts, a confession, don't expect much

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Location: Houston, TX, United States

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

If it's so great then why leave it?

I'm so tired of being judged for speaking my mind, (even when it's unpopular, even when it's true, even when it's real).

I categorically don't hate people.

I categorically hate ideas that promise me and mine no good.

For example,

I hate the idea that it's o.k. for someone to enter this country illegally and I hate the idea of public celebration of Cinco de Mayo in the United States; If I lived in Mexico, I'd hate the idea of celebrating the 4th of July in that country

I hate the religious idea that says it's o.k. to strap bombs to yourself and blow up children; I hate the idea of religious intolerance, (except when I'm intolerant)

I absolutely hate the idea that any government can run my life better than I can run my own life, and I hate the idea that because I accept certain restrictions by the government on how I run my own life, that it somehow invalidates my belief that I can run my own life better

i hate the idea that i should capitalize I, but it is habitual

I hate that idea that says it's o.k. to kill an unborn child just because it's inconvenient; and I hate the idea that I have no room to talk because I'm a man -- that's just plain crap ... it's like saying woman shouldn't say anything about wars because they don't fight in them

I hate the idea that says because I'm a white guy, that I'm a racist if I point out obvious discrimination by some other group

Yeah, I'm really pissed that we have illegal aliens pouring over our border with Mexico. This doesn't mean I hate Mexicans or Nicaraguans or Brazilians or any other person. It just means I hate disrespect. Yet, I'm as guilty as anyone of disrespect.

I hate the idea that my words sometimes hurt people, even people I don't want to hurt

And, yes I hate the fact that I lie ... I do hate PEOPLE who strap bombs to themselves ... I especially hate those who entice people to strap bombs to themselves ...

Some people will never understand anything I say. They'll brand me a bigot, a homophobe, a fanatic, a whatever, and it might stick. But, they will still never get it.

I hate that ...


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