If it's so great then why leave it?
I'm so tired of being judged for speaking my mind, (even when it's unpopular, even when it's true, even when it's real).
I categorically don't hate people.
I categorically hate ideas that promise me and mine no good.
For example,
I hate the idea that it's o.k. for someone to enter this country illegally and I hate the idea of public celebration of Cinco de Mayo in the United States; If I lived in Mexico, I'd hate the idea of celebrating the 4th of July in that country
I hate the religious idea that says it's o.k. to strap bombs to yourself and blow up children; I hate the idea of religious intolerance, (except when I'm intolerant)
I absolutely hate the idea that any government can run my life better than I can run my own life, and I hate the idea that because I accept certain restrictions by the government on how I run my own life, that it somehow invalidates my belief that I can run my own life better
i hate the idea that i should capitalize I, but it is habitual
I hate that idea that says it's o.k. to kill an unborn child just because it's inconvenient; and I hate the idea that I have no room to talk because I'm a man -- that's just plain crap ... it's like saying woman shouldn't say anything about wars because they don't fight in them
I hate the idea that says because I'm a white guy, that I'm a racist if I point out obvious discrimination by some other group
Yeah, I'm really pissed that we have illegal aliens pouring over our border with Mexico. This doesn't mean I hate Mexicans or Nicaraguans or Brazilians or any other person. It just means I hate disrespect. Yet, I'm as guilty as anyone of disrespect.
I hate the idea that my words sometimes hurt people, even people I don't want to hurt
And, yes I hate the fact that I lie ... I do hate PEOPLE who strap bombs to themselves ... I especially hate those who entice people to strap bombs to themselves ...
Some people will never understand anything I say. They'll brand me a bigot, a homophobe, a fanatic, a whatever, and it might stick. But, they will still never get it.
I hate that ...
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